
StoreKing - eCommerce (Grocery, Pharmacy, Supershop) App with Laravel Website & Admin Panel with POS | Inventory Management

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  • Created: 17 December, 2024

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, Please feel free to email via Item Support Page.


To install, set up, and customize StoreKing with your branding, it is essential to have a basic understanding of server-side operations. The system includes a comprehensive suite of features for web applications.

  • IDE for Web development, we preferred VSCode.
  • Real Server related knowledge like apache or local machine server, we preferred to use a real server.
  • Server related knowledge and we preferred cPanel in your server for quick installation
  • Basic knowledge in PHP, NPM, Vue, Node, Laravel if you want to do some customization yourself (Not compulsory).

Note: Remember! Envato's pricing does not cover installation. It is your responsibility to follow the installation instructions outlined in the documentation, as well as any necessary steps for setup and branding-related changes. We are not liable for any errors you may make during the process. Additionally, any customizations you make are entirely your responsibility.


Before install, please make sure you have the components bellow enable on your server

  • PHP 8.2 or Greater
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • GD PHP Extension (or Imagick PHP Extension)
  • PHP Zip Archive
  • PHP cURL
  • PHP Exif
  • PHP fileinfo
  • PHP Zip Archive
  • Rewrite Module (Apache or Nginx)
  • open_basedir must be disabled

Typically, these extensions are enabled by default on most servers, but it is recommended that you confirm with your hosting provider.

Please proceed with caution and take great care in completing this task. Any errors made will not be the responsibility of our team.

Active Purchase Key:

Before install, please active your envato purchase key from our system and install project by our license key

  1. Goto inilabs official site
  2. Now create an account in our site

  3. Click the below link and verify your email

  4. Now click Active Purchase Key from home page and fill you information
    1. Select your product
    2. Enter your domain, Which domain you would be using this product
    3. Enter your envato purchase key and click submit

  5. Now copy your Active License and install the product by this license

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Note: Remember! The script doesn't have any "install" folder or directory. The installation is controlled by a Controller.

Now Follow the steps below to setup the script:

  1. Unzip the downloaded package from here and open the /source-code/web folder to find the file. You will need to upload the file to your hosting web server using FTP or localhost, then you need to unzip this file, you will find "web" folder. You need to move all files and folders in your domain's document root directory.
  2. Your will have these files and folders in your document root:
  3. Make sure /bootstrap and /storage folder have permission as 755 recursively. If you don't have 755 permission in this two folder, you have to give permission manually. To give permission right click on the folder and click "Change permission" button, you will see the prompt to change permission like the second image below. Select the checkboxes you can see in the second image.
  4. Before starting the installation, database must be configured for the application.For creating the database, the following ways must be maintained
    • From cPanel Go to MySQL Databases
    • Create a new database
    • Create a user for the database
    • Add a user to the database
    • Give privileges to the user
  5. Run the install script path from any web browser ( and click on “Check Requirements” button.
  6. Now you can see your php extension list if it is already installed in all extension then you can see "Check Permissions" button. Now click on this button and go to next step
  7. Now you will see the folders permission list if everything is ok then click “Site Setup”
  8. Provide your App name and Domain name as App Url, then click “Database Setup”
  9. Provide your database information like Database Host, Database Port, Database Name, Database Username, and Database Password, then click “Final Setup”
  10. Now you will see the login information (Email : , Password : 123456) then click “Finish” to exit
  11. Good Luck!!!

Firebase Push Notification Setup

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To use firebase follow the procedure which are mentioned below
  1. Go to this URL to create a project If you already have a project, continue with that.
  2. Then go to Project Settings and create an app.
  3. In Project Settings > General > "your created app", you will find apiKey, authDomain, projectId, storageBucket, messagingSenderId, appId, measurementId.
  4. Click on "Cloud Messaging". There you will find a button named "Generate key pair". Click it to get the KEY PAIR.
  5. Now in Project Settings, click "Service Account". There you will find a "Generate new private key" button. Click this button to get a JSON file.
  6. Then go to your "storeKing" admin Dashboard > Settings > Notification. Enter your credentials and save them.
  7. Now it's done.

Business Setup

Within the administrative panel, we provide a designated section known as "Settings" This particular area empowers you to configure various essential aspects of your business, such as your Company Site, Delivery Zones, Mail, OTP, Notification, Notification Alert, Social Media, Cookies, Analytics, Theme, Sliders, Currencies, Product Categories, Product Attributes, Product Brands, Return Reasons, Suppliers,Outlets, Benefits,Units, Taxes,Pages, Role & Permissions, Languages, Sms Gateway, Payment Gateway settings.

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Payment Gateway Configuration

In our initial version we are giving 15 integrated Payment Gateways for use. Admin can setup these payment gateways from the admin panel payment settings.

SMS Gateway Configuration

We have 8 sms gateway integrated in the system which admin can setup that from admin panel -> sms settings.

How to change or customize a language?

Translate your admin and website, follow these steps:

  1. Login into the admin panel.
  2. Goto settings -> Languages.
  3. Click On Add Language.
  4. Fill all field and add new language.
  5. Click on the view icon of the new language low in from the list.
  6. Select file from the dropdown option under Files tab and click get file content.
  7. All the lebels and language objectives will appear in the bottom of the field.
  8. Now update the value of all the input fields and click save.
  9. You do not change any word under the curly bracket text {}, example {name}.
  10. When all language is changed then run some command in your terminal or ssh panel.
npm install npm run prod

Mobile Building

Run an existing flutter project on IDE

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Change App Logo

To change app logo replace at this file

  • Go to <project>assets/images/ and replace app_logo.png with your own logo.
  • Then run this command
flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons

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Change App Icon

To change app icon replace at this file

  • Go to <project>assets/images/ and replace logo.png with your own logo.

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Change App Splash Icon

To change app splash icon replace at this file

  • Go to <project>assets/images/ and replace splash_logo.png with your own splash icon.

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Change App Name

  1. For Android Change the value of label from <project>/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml


    android:label="My App Name"
  2. For IOS Change the value of CFBundleName from <project>/iOS/Runner/info.plist


    <key>CFBundleName<key> <string>My App Name<string>

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Setup License Key

Generate the license key from and copy the license key and setup in the app source code.

static String? licenseCode = "YOUR_LICENSE_CODE";

Change Base URL

To change base url replace baseUrl from

static String? baseUrl = '';

Warning! Don’t put slash (/) at the end of your base url.

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Change App Primary Color

To change the app primary color, change the value of primaryColor with your own color hex code.

static const Color primaryColor = Color(0xffFF006B);

Setup Firebase for Push Notification

First you have to change your package name. If you didn’t then follow this.

  1. Create your own firebase project from and also add an android app there with your own package name and app name.

    Warning Do not create multiple project if you have multiple app like User App, Delivery App. Create only one project and add multiple app under project.

  2. Click register app and download google-services.json file from there.

  3. Copy that file and paste it under <project>/android/app/ folder.

  4. For IOS again create an app under same project and download GoogleService-Info.plist and paste it under <project>/iOS/ folder. Also follow this documentation for full setup for IOS:

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App build & release

Build for Android

For debug app build you can run this command:

flutter build apk --no-tree-shake-icons

Build file location: <project>/build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/ For deploying it please follow this documentation:

Build for iOS​

There are no general way to generate app for iOS. Apple doesn’t allow to install app like this debug way. If you want to install it on your iOS device then you have to deploy it on TestFlight or AppStore. For deploying it please follow this documentation:

Addon Installation

Right Now We do not have any addons with the script:


If this documentation doesn't answer your questions, So, Please send us Email via Item Support Page

We are located in GMT +6:30 time zone and we answer all questions within 12-24 hours in weekdays. In some rare cases the waiting time can be to 48 hours. (except holiday seasons which might take longer).

Note: While we aim to provide the best support possible, please keep in mind that it only extends to verified buyers and only to issues related to our script's like bugs and errors. Custom modifications or third party module implementations are not included.

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Version 1.1(22 Feb 2025)

  • Added upload image in checkout page.
  • Added file attachment option in product create module.
  • Barcode style minor bug fix.
  • Select box style minor bug fix.
  • Country code minor bug fix.

Version 1.0 (17 December, 2024)

  • Initial Release

How to get latest version and How to update Your Current Version to New Version?

Download latest version from here or if you want us to upgrade your current system then you can take one of our premium support plan from here